See how Xurmo
enables better
decision making.

Companies, large and small are using Xurmo to improve decision making and create long-term impact. But across all industries, decision makers face the kind of problems that machine learning excels at solving. Problems like churn, fraud and predictve analysis.



The client wanted to be able to categorize comments made by users in their support forum into one of about 6,000 categories across five levels automatically.


Using Xurmo's Text Analytics and Machine Learning Suites the client was able to apply these operations, build models for various hypotheses, and quickly test them. To automatically classify the comments, text processing operations were required to break down the text into individual tokens, apply Feature Reduction to remove unnecessary words/phrases, and build a taxonomy. Along with this, machine learning algorithms were required to detect patterns in the volume of data.


A robust Machine Learning Model that could adapt to new patterns in the data
Insights from comments allowed the client to identify common flaws & their fixes for their products